Effect of Pranayamas on Physiological Functional Abilities (observational study on yogic breathing practices)


  • Prof. GRR. Chakravarthy


Pranayama,, shithali,, sithkari,, Bhramari,, Bhastrika,, physiology,, walking,, jagging,, climbing the staircase,, cycling.


Pranayama is the fourth part of Pathanjali’s  Ashtanga yoga. As such Pranayama is supposed to be practiced after attaining perfection in asanas and then followed by Prathyahara. Ironically ‘Ashtanga yoga’ is meant for attaining Moksha as per the classical text of yoga, the practitioner’s have to go through Ashtanga yoga starting from ‘Yama’ and reaching to ‘samadhi’ however practice of certain asanas and Pranayama’s makes the practitioner to have good health. Based upon this asanas and pranayamas are being practiced to maintain health and to acquire health from ill health. Thus it is believed to evolve therapeutic yoga from classical Ashtanga yoga. In this study practice of types of Pranayama which have the influence over functional abilities of the group of people is studied. It is only a subjective observational study but not involving statistical analysis. So, in the observed points shows the improvement in functional abilities of the person who practiced pranayamas.


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Hatha yoga pradipika translated by Pancham sing Ref: 2 chapter, 54 shloka, 3rd edition, 1980,by oriental books reprint corporation, Newdelhi , pp-23

Ibid: 2 chapter, 57 shloka, 3rd edition,1980,by oriental books reprint corporation, Newdelhi, pp-24

Ibid: 2 chapter, 59 shloka, 3rd edition, 1980, by oriental books reprint corporation, Newdelhi, pp-24.

Ibid: 2 chapter, 68 shloka, 3rd edition, 1980, by oriental books reprint corporation, Newdelhi, pp-25.

Gheranda samhita edited by Goswami prahlad giri Ref: 5 chapter, 73shloka, 1st edition, 2001, by krishnadas academy, Varanasi, pp-84.

Ibid: 5 chapter,85 shloka, 1st edition,2001, by krishnadas academy, Varanasi, pp-85.

Gheranda samhita edited by Goswami prahlad giri Ref:5 chapter, 78shloka, 1st edition, 2001, by krishnadas academy, Varanasi, pp-86.

Book reffered – THE YOGA SCIENCE FOR EVERYONE, by Dr. Ravindranath R. Javalgekar, 2nd edition, 2005, by Chaukhambha Sanskrit sansthan, Varanasi.




How to Cite

Prof. GRR. Chakravarthy. (2019). Effect of Pranayamas on Physiological Functional Abilities (observational study on yogic breathing practices). Research Ambition an International Multidisciplinary E-Journal, 4(I), 36–48. Retrieved from http://researchambition.com/RA/index.php/ra/article/view/95


