Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Employees In Uttar Pradesh: An Analytical Study


  • Nidhi Pandey


Every organization strength is his workers and without them no work could be accomplished .Therefore it is very important that workers needs are being fulfilled .The employees will feel more satisfied if they get what they need .Job satisfaction is an inner feeling that may vary from one employee to another that is at the same time one employee may be satisfied with the job where as another may not depending upon their attitude regarding the job .The term job satisfaction if described well is said to be that the job creates many expectations in mind of employees like status promotion job condition, working environment etc. Therefore job satisfaction is the positive or the negative attitude of employee/workers about these expectations. In the study we are using % analysis to evaluate the job satisfaction of employees. The study shows that only 44% of the employees are satisfied with the working condition & 50% of them satisfied with the reward provided. The organization can give importance and emphasize on factors such as rewards, recognition and canteen facility so as to increase the level of satisfaction related to job of the employees.


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How to Cite

Nidhi Pandey. (2021). Evaluation of Job Satisfaction of Employees In Uttar Pradesh: An Analytical Study. Research Ambition an International Multidisciplinary E-Journal, 1(IV), 43–50. Retrieved from http://researchambition.com/RA/index.php/ra/article/view/46


