Cognitive Flexibility And Motor Inhibition In Obsessive Compulsive Disorder And Their Unaffected First Degree Relatives


  • Ritika Diwan


The purpose of the study was to evaluate cognitive flexibility and motor inhibition as in Obsessive compulsive disorder and to examine their relation with cognitive and motor functions, in their unaffected healthy first degree relatives and control, respectively. Study had a cross sectional design with purposive sampling with three groups having 20 subjects each. Tools-Patients with Obsessive compulsive disorder, their first degree relatives and matched healthy normal controls were assessed using General health questionnaire (GHQ), Yale-Brown Obsessive compulsive scale, Barratt’s impulsiveness scale, Trail making test (TMT), Stroop test, Decision style inventory. Results -show higher trait impaired cognitive flexibility and motor inhibition in patients with Obsessive compulsive disorder and first degree relatives in comparison to normal controls.


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How to Cite

Ritika Diwan. (2021). Cognitive Flexibility And Motor Inhibition In Obsessive Compulsive Disorder And Their Unaffected First Degree Relatives. Research Ambition an International Multidisciplinary E-Journal, 1(III), 48–60. Retrieved from


