A Legislative Analysis of Law Relating to Copyright in The Era of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence, Copyright Law, Computer, Programming, Ownership, ProtectionAbstract
As artificial intelligence (AI) develops, copyright law faces new and exciting challenges. The technologies related to the AI is in air these days, from youngster to the old people everyone is using this new and advance form of technology like a child’s play. It has been advertised such a high scale, that it will transform the world for the coming advance generation. AI is that advance computer technology which behave like a human, think like a human and which behave like a human being with the help of the computer programming with in its bots. This legislative analysis explores how copyright laws have changed in relation to works created by artificial intelligence. In an era where literary, artistic, and musical creation is done by robots, copyright laws must be reviewed and modified in order to preserve the rights of creators while also encouraging innovation. These important aspects are examined in this study. This study also includes that the possibility that AI systems could be regarded as writers for the purposes of copyright law, and if not, the consequences for copyright ownership and protection. The study examines who owns what and to what extent when it comes to content created by AI. This study also includes the legal framework pertaining to the copyright law in relation to the content created by the artificial intelligence in India. This study sheds light on the legislative adjustments needed to address the issues posed by artificial intelligence-generated content and guarantee that copyright laws continue to be applicable and efficient in the age of AI.
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The Copyright (Amendment) Act, 1992, No. 13, Acts of Parliament, 1992 (India).
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Eastern Book Company & Ors vs D.B. Modak & Anr. (2008) 1 S.C.C. 1 (India).
The Copyright (Amendment) Act, 1992, No. 13, Acts of Parliament, 1992 (India).
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